The Adoption Process: Selecting an Adoptive Family

My firm represents the adoption agency, Destiny Adoption Services and Consulting, Inc. They are a state licensed adoption agency with staff who have over 40 years of nonprofit adoption experience. The agency has many families waiting for the opportunity to become parents.

All families have an approved adoptive home study — an extensive screening that includes multiple background checks, home visits, and adoption education. This helps ensure that the family is emotionally, physically, and financially able to provide a child with a loving, safe, and stable home.

The agency works with heterosexual and LGBT couples and single individuals of all backgrounds. Together, the agency will help you choose what you want for your child in a family and the type of openness you want after the adoption.

This can include your preferences for:

  • Heterosexual couple, same-sex couple, single parent
  • Length of a relationship of a couple
  • Race and religion
  • Siblings
  • Location where they reside
  • Type of house and neighborhood
  • Prospective parent’s education and career
  • Prospective parent’s interests (for example, are they animal lovers?)
  • Education desired for your child
  • Extended family (for example, a large, close extended family)
  • Open, semi-open, or closed adoption

Based on your preferences, Destiny Adoption will provide you with profiles of prospective families. When you select a prospective family, you can meet with them in-person or on a conference call. You may also get to know them via email or text.

The agency will help you prepare your questions for the prospective family and facilitate the visit or conference calls. They will also help you prepare emotionally for the hospital experience and will help you and the adoptive family discuss post-adoption contact.