Tips to Stay in Touch with Birth Parents

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Tips to Stay in Touch with Birth Parents

Jan 9, 2025 | Adoptive Family Resources | 0 comments

Open adoption is a beautiful experience. It acknowledges the unique and enduring bond between a child and their birth parents, even as the child grows into a loving family with their adoptive parents. But maintaining healthy and respectful relationships with
birth parents

can sometimes feel daunting.


At Tammi Driver Law, we believe open communication is key to a successful and fulfilling adoption experience. That’s why we’re here to offer some practical tips for staying in touch with birth parents in a way that feels comfortable and supportive for everyone involved.


Understanding the Open Adoption Spectrum

Open adoption looks different for every family. It can range from simple letter exchanges to more frequent visits and ongoing communication. The key is finding a level of openness that works for everyone involved.


Tips for Keeping the Connection Strong

  • Consistency is Key:
    Just like any relationship, consistent communication builds trust. Whether it’s monthly emails, sharing photos, or occasional video calls, finding a regular rhythm can make a big difference.
  • Boundaries Matter:Openness doesn’t mean there are no boundaries. It’s important to have open and honest conversations about what feels comfortable for everyone. This might include setting limits on visit frequency, discussing sensitive topics, or simply acknowledging the need for occasional breaks.
  • Honesty is the Best Policy:
    Building trust requires honesty and transparency. Share updates about your child’s development, both the joys and the challenges. Be open about your family’s life, while always respecting the birth parents’ feelings and boundaries.
  • Involving Your Child (Appropriately):As your child grows, you can gradually introduce them to the concept of birth parents. This might involve sharing photos, reading letters together, or even (age-appropriately) having video calls.

Don’t Go It Alone:
Navigating open adoption can have its ups and downs. Don’t hesitate to seek support from a therapist specializing in adoption, attend support groups for open adoption families, or utilize resources available through adoption agencies or organizations.


adopted child

Contact Agreements

It’s crucial to have a well-defined agreement in place that outlines the terms of open adoption. This agreement can help prevent misunderstandings and provide a framework for communication and interaction.

Tammi Driver Law
, we understand the importance of open adoption and are here to guide you through the legal complexities. We can help you draft a comprehensive contact agreement that outlines the interests of all parties involved.


The Bottom Line

Maintaining open and respectful relationships with birth parents can be incredibly rewarding. It allows children to understand their origins and can foster a sense of connection and belonging. While it may require effort and flexibility, the rewards of open adoption can be truly profound.


This article provides general information and is not intended as legal or professional advice. Please consult with an adoption attorney for guidance specific to your situation.